Foal nursing, what to know about it?

The correct feeding of the young horse is crucial for its health and growth. Just as with humans, feeding the foal can provide numerous benefits. Breast milk provides all the essential nutrients for the newborn’s growth and development. In addition, it contains nutrients that can strengthen its immune system. In addition, breastfeeding helps to create…


Selling horses: tips for breeders

Selling horses is no small business. There are many details to consider, from choosing the horse to evaluating the specimen and beyond. Here are some tips that may be useful mainly for breeders who want to complete their first sale. The choice of horse to sell . Considering the specimens in your herd, choosing a…


Breeding horses: what you need to get started

Caring for a horse is an experience that many people have dreamt of or experienced at least once in their lives, but having a horse stud farm is something else entirely. When it comes to breeding horses, there are many things to consider: from the cost to the care required, and even the factors that…


17-19 March 2023: Dubai International Horse Fair

The Dubai International Horse Fair is an exciting and unique event that for years has featured some of the finest horses in existence today. The next edition will be held from 17-19 March 2023, specifically at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The programme will include a range of activities including competitions, shows and sporting events….


Pregnant mare: what to do for the specimen

When a breeder has to look after a pregnant mare for the first time, there can be many doubts. It is clear that the mare needs more attention than the others, but there is no need to worry: with the right care, everything will go well. Here are some tips not to be underestimated. Pregnant…


Friesian horse: a perfect breed for breeding

As the name chosen to refer to the breed suggests, the Friesian horse originates from the Dutch province of Friesland. It ranks among the oldest horse breeds in Europe, with the earliest evidence coming directly from Roman times. In the past, the Friesian horse worked mainly in the fields, exploited for its strength and particular resistance…


Horse breeds, differences and characteristics that help you get to know your horse

Anyone approaching the world of horse breeding for the first time needs to inform themselves as much as possible. The more information you can get about your next horse, the better you will be able to take care of him and treat him properly. Today, let’s find out together which are the main horse breeds,…


Horse breeding: useful tips for all breeders

The horse breeding sector knows how to capture the attention of young entrepreneurs. Despite the difficulties and time required to care for foals, the drive towards breeding is steadily growing. Horses are incredible animals, able to give tranquility and instil security. Likewise, they provide their breeders with a not inconsiderable financial return, which increases according to…